If you have gone through the holiday shopping for your friends and family, you can relate to this. Trying to remember what to give to your loved ones can be stressful, especially when you are trying to scramble it at the last moment. Instead of leaving the ideas to arrive at you at the last moment, you should cultivate your ideas when they come, where they come. Good Square can help. Here’s how –
If you are registered users, its simple — go to “Wishes” page,, after you sign-in. Make sure that your browser’s Bookmark Bar is on.
If not, on Chrome, go to top menu and select Always Show Bookmarks Bar”“View >
on Firefox, go to top menu and select “View > Toolbars > Bookmarks Toolbar”
on Safari, go to top menu and select “View > Show Bookmarks Bar”
Drag and drop the Browser Plug in into your Browser Bookmark Bar.
It’s simple — click on the icon, shown above, drag it to the Bookmark Bar, and release it there. Done.
Once you have installed the Bookmark Plugin, gathering your gift ideas are very simple — from anywhere anytime. Say, you are browsing the web and landed on Ann Taylor product, which reminded you off a gift idea. Simply a click on the Bookmark Plugin will get this bookmarked as shown below.
Goodsq Browser Plugin will ask you vey basic information before you save the item in your “wishes” inside Good Square application. Later, you can go to Good Square and further curate your gift ideas.
This is how your recently bookmarked idea appears when you login to Good Square –