Send Thank You Note

Hope all of you had an unforgettable Christmas and you all got the gifts you wanted. I am sure you know how complicated the gifts for family and friends can get. Finding out what our loved ones really

Collect your gift ideas as you go

If you have gone through the holiday shopping for your friends and family, you can relate to this. Trying to remember what to give to your loved ones can be stressful, especially when you are trying to scramble it at the last moment. Instead of leaving the

Thoughtful gift

If you are like me and have your friends and family on Facebook, the Facebook Gift isn’t working for you. If you celebrate birthdays, or anniversary, or any occasions with your friends and family, the last minute gifting isn’t the experience you are used to. That’s stressful for the givers, and that is not how people exchange gifts anyway. At least, not on the web.